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Sasha S.

Stand Up for Happiness

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

What and who do you want to remember and be when you are 79 or 83?

Certain moments in your life will separate themselves from all the others…They will redefine you and divide your memories into what happened before and after them…As faithful friends, they will stand by you when you reach 79 or 83 and the first snow of the year brings a strange feeling, as if it was actually bringing the last snow you will ever see…

You will close our eyes and travel through those moments again…The fresh aroma of grandmother’s apple pie that day; father’s comforting words on a stormy night; the fairytale read by your mother; the first dance with that special someone; the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower…Your heart will skip a beat and start beating louder…

Slowly…Along with the snowflakes of the first snow…One by one…Memories defined by the moments that count will reappear and create a big picture as if you are watching it on a big screen … With open heart and closed eyes you will finally see…When you are 79 or 83…

But here now…As you stand in silence…Challenge yourself not to wait for the rest of your life for the big picture to appear…Don’t wait for that last snow…

Ask yourself, what and who do I want to remember and be, how do I want to feel, when I am 79 or 83?

Now it is not too soon nor too late… Stand up and challenge life for one more round…Stand up for your happiness and fight for the moments of meaningfulness…

Difficult moments will come…They always do…And they will desire to stay…Do not panic…Do not be afraid…Just observe them…They too shall pass…Stand up…It is the fight inside that counts…It can hold you captive or take you on an exciting, wild ride…Discover your purpose…Be bold…Feel alive…Don’t settle for either or… Living becomes much more meaningful once you discover something worth dying for…

But keep in mind...It will be a long way up the mountain if you solely focus on the top. Instead just take that next step, take a deep breath, and try to endure one more hour… Another stride...Another push with your paddles...This is how you win your battles… Get up, dust yourself off and fight just a little bit more…This is how you win a war…

So, whoever and wherever you are right now…Do something new today…Something you have always wanted to do…Don’t wait for the rest of your life for your life to begin…Ask yourself…What do I want to remember; who do I want to be; what do I want to feel…one day if I get to be 79 or 83?

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